Tuesday 17 July 2018

Success & dream????

Hola everyone! After sooooooooo long i didn't update my blog and today I wanna share smthg. Finally, I've achieved my dream to get at least 3.5 for my pointer. And alhamdulillah, I got 3.85 for my sem 4. Before this, I got 2.5 for my sem 1, sem 2 I got only 3.2, sem 3 I've achieved my target & I got 3.54 and yesterday my result for sem 4 came out and I got 3.85. Alhamdulillah syukur bebanyak!!!! My dream finally come true. Thanks a lot to all my friends & family that are always be by my side. Thank you for all yr doa. Srsly, i still can't believe & i can't even sleep well yesterday hahahahahahahahhahahahaha tak cukup tidur and struggle with assignments projects sgttttt worth it. Nak kata tak cukup tidur pun tak actually cuz i do sleep a lot too! I do watch dramas all the time. Sempat lagi layan Syafiq Kyle punya drama which is NUR. Sem 4 paling banyak menangis & i even told my dad that i wanna give up & quit studies in Civil Engineering. He always told me to sabar & banyakkan berdoa. Only my roommates know how struggle i am to get this place. Only my roommates know how weak i am during sem 4. Thanks a lot to my classmate yg sudi buat assignments & project together. Bincang and bg ideas how to solve it. Thanks jugak section lagi satu cuz always tolong and tolong tanpa henti. You guys sanggup reply whatsapp pagi petang siang malam nk layan and jawab all my questions. Thank you jugak kepada yg sudi bg ilmu and tak kedekut nak share ilmu. Prinsip I satu je, if I tolong orang lain and tak kedekut ilmu, in Shaa Allah, Allah akan tolong kita walau mcm mana sekalipun. Keep praying & doa bebanyak. Redha & tawakal. One more thing, to succeed, you have to accept others theories as well. Jgn over confident with yr own theories in studies cuz you're not even a lecturer. Tanya and bincang & if tak confident and ragu2 with others punya jawapan then stick with yr own answers but based on buku rujukan and internet jugak. Cari ilmu cuz ilmu tak datang bergolek kat kita. Always refer rakan2 yg lain jugak & even lect. Banyakkan membaca?? I tak suka baca & boringgggg. Reading is good but kefahaman is the most important thing. Jangan hafal jalan kira & jalan kerja. But try to understand every details of it. Cuba relate dgn previous punya subject. If kwn2 mintak tolong,always kena tolong even terpaksa reply lambat pun still kena tolong. Sorry laaa for those yg i reply whatsapp lambat. You hv to know tht im a student too & ada jugak assignment and projects. If I tak reply means maybe i tgh busy and serabut. Lambat mcm mana pun, i tetap reply jugak is it? hehehehhe sorryyyy bukan sengaja but u hv to understand my situation too. Once again, thank you everyone!!!!

Love, Anis Syazwani ❤

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